With over 400 trucking factoring businesses to choose from claiming this and that, so how do you make your pick for the right one for your business?

There are trucking factoring businesses that will actually provide your company more than just cash.

With some freight factoring firms, you'll also receive top rate service to help increase your company's profits.

Here's how to pick the best trucking factoring company for your company.

You're probably thinking, "I'm too busy for this!"

We'll give you a hand to help you make this choice a snap. And you'll find out why over 45% of our new business comes from Client Referrals. By far the top referral rate in the factoring industry.

All the others don't even come close!

Haven't heard of Receivables Factoring?

For those who aren't familiar with Receivables Factoring, it is basically a quick way to get cash from your receivables.

Receivables Factoring is Not a Loan

When you send your customers an invoice, they usually have 30 days to pay you back. Receivables Factoring companies will give you the bulk of the cash up front, sometimes within 24 hours, and collect the payments from your customers themselves. Once the invoices are paid in full, you’ll get the balance left over, minus a small fee.

Receivables Factoring Doesn't Require Debt

Sounds simple enough – fast cash for your business – no loans, no debt.

so how do you make your pick for the right receivables factoring company FOR YOUR Georgia company?

All cry out they have the most affordable rates in the business, no long-term contracts, fast- same day/same hour payments, no up-front fees, no monthly minimums or maximums and so on so on.

We also offer these same benefits, but we also DELIVER EYE-OPENING SERVICE AND PLANS that other accounts receivable factoring companies don't and simply can't.

How can you prove this? Here's our proof, over 40 percent of our new business growth comes from existing client referrals. As we all know clients don't make referrals randomly. Especially since the client's reputation is on the line, no one wants to risk making a bad referral; it can make you look bad. They make recommendations to support their business friend.


In a nutshell, it's no contest, no other receivables factoring company comes even close to our standard of superior service and products.


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We have the best deals for
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We have the best deals for the trucking industry!

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We have been providing the industry with fast cash for over 40 years. We keep your wheels in motion.

Our freight bill factoring programs offer some of the highest advance rates with no minimum monthly requirements, completely transparent fees, dedicated account representatives, same day funding, electronic submission of invoices, real time account reporting and free access to up-to-date customer credit status.

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Set Up is Easy and Quick!


As you can see, we quite frankly have more to offer you.

Other factoring companies don't even come close.


And Not Every Factoring Companies Can Say This:

Over half of our new business comes through client referrals.




















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Information for the city of Georgia

Encompassing $304 billion, the Atlanta metropolitan area is the eighth largest economy in the country and 17th largest in the world. Corporate operations comprise a large portion of the Atlanta's economy, with the city serving as the regional, national, or global headquarters for many corporations. Atlanta contains the country's third largest concentration of Fortune 500 companies, and the city is the global headquarters of corporations such as Over 75 percent of Fortune 1000 companies conduct business operations in the Atlanta metropolitan area, and the region hosts offices of about 1,250 multinational corporations. Many corporations are drawn to Atlanta on account of the city's educated workforce; as of 2010, nearly 43% of adults in the city of Atlanta have college degrees, compared to 27% in the nation as a whole. world headquartersAtlanta began as a railroad town and logistics has remained a major component of the city's economy to this day. Atlanta is an important rail junction and contains major classification yards for . Since its construction in the 1950s, Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport has served as a key engine of Atlanta's economic growth.


Delta Air Lines, the city's largest employer and the metro area's third largest, operates the world's largest airline hub at Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport and has helped make Hartsfield Jackson the world's busiest airport, both in terms of passenger traffic and aircraft operations. Partly due to the airport, Atlanta has become a hub for diplomatic missions; as of 2012, the city contains 25 general consulates, the seventh highest concentration of diplomatic missions in the United States.Media is also an important aspect of Atlanta's economy. The city is a major cable television programming center. the country's third largest cable television service and the publisher of over a dozen major American newspapers, is headquartered in the city. T. Indeed, Atlanta has been nicknamed the Silicon peach due to its burgeoning technology sector. As of 2013, Atlanta contains the fourth largest concentration of information technology jobs in the United States, numbering 85,000. Atlanta also ranks as the sixth fastest growing city for information technology jobs, with an employment growth of 4.8% in 2012 and a three year growth near 9%, or 16,000 jobs. Information technology companies are drawn to Atlanta's lower costs and educated workforce.Largely due to a state wide tax incentive enacted in 2005, the Georgia Entertainment Industry Investment Act, which awards qualified productions a transferable income tax credit of 20% of all in state costs for film and television investments of $500,000 or more, Atlanta has become a center for film and television production.


Film and television production facilities in Film and television production injected $1 billion into Georgia's economy in 2010, with Atlanta garnering most of the projects. Atlanta has gained recognition as a center of production of horror and zombie related productions, with Atlanta magazine dubbing the city the "Zombie Capital of the World". newsroomCompared to its peer cities, Atlanta's economy has been disproportionately affected by the 2008 financial crisis and the subsequent recession. The city's economic problems are displayed in its elevated unemployment rate, declining real income levels, and depressed housing market. From 2010 2011, Atlanta saw a 0.9% contraction in employment and a meager 0.4% rise in income. As of 2012, the unemployment rate in Atlanta was over 9%, higher than the national average of 8.2%. These dismal statistics have garnered Atlanta recognition as one of the world's worst economic performers, with the city's economy earning a ranking of 189 among 200 global cities, down from a ranking of 89 during the 1990s, when the city realized 1.6% income growth and 2.6% employment growth.


However, even when the 2008 2009 period is excluded, the 2001 2007 period is still one of the worst on record for Atlanta: the city never recovered the jobs it lost during the Early 2000s recession, and per capita income declined nearly 5% from 2000 to 2006, the largest decline among major U.S. cities. Thus, Atlanta's current economic crisis was only worsened, and not caused, by the Recession. Adding to the city's employment and income woes is the spectacular collapse of its housing market. Atlanta home prices fell by 2.1% in January 2012, reaching levels not seen since 1996, a decline that measured among the worst in the country. Compared with a year earlier, the average home price in Atlanta fell 17.3% in February 2012, the largest annual drop in the history of the index for any city. Atlanta home values average $85,000 as of January 2012, second worst among major metropolitan areas, coming in just behind Detroit. This unprecedented collapse in home prices has led some economists to deem Atlanta the worst housing market in the country. Nevertheless, in August 2013, Atlanta appeared on magazine's list of the Best Places for Business and Careers



Information for the state of Georgia

Georgia's 2010 total gross state product was $403.1 billion. Its Per Capita personal income for 2011 puts it 39th in the nation at $35,979 . If Georgia were a stand-alone country, it would be the 28th largest economy in the world. There are 15 Fortune 500 companies and 26 Fortune 1000 companies with headquarters in Georgia. Georgia has over 1,700 internationally headquartered facilities representing 43 countries, employing more than 112,000 Georgians with an estimated capital investment of $22.7 billion.


Atlanta has a very large effect on the state of Georgia and the Southeastern United States. The city is an ever-growing addition to communications, industry, transportation, tourism, and government. Atlanta has been the site of growth in real estate, service, and the communications industries. Widespread farms produce peanuts, corn, and soybeans across middle and south Georgia. The state is the number one producer of pecans in the world, with the region around Albany in southwest Georgia being the center of Georgia's pecan production. Gainesville in northeast Georgia touts itself as the Poultry Capital of the World. Major products in the mineral industry include a variety of clays, stones, sands and the clay palygorskite, known as attapulgite.


Providing accounts receivable factoring firms services for
Georgia, Georgia companies and nationwide-map


If you did not have to wait for the cash flow to come in what would you do right now?  


There are many reasons why factoring has become a popular and valuable financial tool for businesses today. The key benefit of factoring is that a business receives a quick boost to its cash flow: in fact, many factoring companies offer cash on their Accounts Receivable within 24 hours! -Best Georgia Freight Factoring Companies





Best Georgia Freight Factoring Companies Articles

Why Trucking Companies Use Trucking Companies


As the owner of your own business, you may be more than aware already of the difficulty in making sure that cash flow issues do not become a problem down the line. After all, the worst thing that can possibly happen for your business is to find yourself embroiled in a long and difficult situation that leaves you forever trying to find the cash you need on an ongoing basis.


For any business in this situation, the problem can come for waiting for work to clear up and actually be paid into your account. Invoices, checks, and the like can take some time to actually to be processed which can leave you with short-term cash flow issues. Thankfully, there are options out there for businesses to look into – and one of these is receivables factoring companies.


receivables factoring companies will, in exchange for your invoices, provide you with the cash today so that you don't need to worry about the waiting period that could make paying the bills and getting materials more difficult. With this type of setup, invoice receivables factoring can become incredibly useful for many businesses who need to get out of a cash trap which they have found themselves in.


Because, depending on the size of the job, it can take up to 60 days for some businesses to get paid then it's important to cover your own back and not leave yourself cash short to pay the bills. After all, how many businesses have two months revenue just lying there to cover all their expenses until they get paid?


This is especially true of Trucking companies. They tend to deal with lots of invoices which means a significant amount of collection time involves business owner themselves. Trying to get paid in time can become an incredible hassle and this is why you use Trucking receivables factoring companies who are happy to help out truckers specifically.


As we all know, Trucking is an incredibly large industry with many companies out there employing hundreds of drivers. Unfortunately, many of these drivers end up in money troubles because they are still waiting for work from six weeks ago to actually pay them. When this is the situation for a Trucking company, turning to receivables factoring companies for assistance might be the best choice left.


This means that a Trucking company can pay the wages of the staff, keep all the trucks topped off with fuel and continue to scale, grow and expand without always waiting for the money which is taking too long to come in. Trucking Businesses running without a receivables factoring program put in place are leaving themselves at significant risk, as competitors cash out fast and continue to expand.


There's genuinely nothing to be worried about when it comes to using a receivables factoring company – they aren't like a bank or somebody who is going to leave you with a huge pile of debt to pay back. You give them genuine invoices from work you have already finished, you are merely speeding up the payment process.


In the United States, where Trucking companies thrive, receivables factoring companies are not considered borrowing in any capacity. This confidential agreement then allows both parties to profit and enjoy a comfortable future – it gives the receivables factoring company a guaranteed asset of income to add to the list and it gives the Trucking firm the needed cash that they worked hard to earn.


The Trucking company provides their invoices to the receivables factoring company. The Trucking receivables factoring company then receive the payments from the Trucking company's customers. receivables factoring has been around for hundreds of years and has been used for many years by many different industries – but none more so than truckers. While you may miss out on a small part of the money, something like 1-3% depending on who you work with, it means that you are getting the money today and can actually start putting the money to work.


After all, an IOU or an invoice is not going to pay for expenses, is it? For Trucking companies when the money can be good one day and gone the next, it's up to the drivers to work sensibly and to ensure they are leaving themselves with a significant amount of time and finance to get through the week until they are paid again.


So the next time your Trucking business is having some short-term cash flow issues and you are spending too much time chasing slow paying clients, why not start considering using a receivables factoring businesses as a way to get your money and give yourself a more comfortable future in the eyes of your Trucking staff and your bank balance?




You Can Find More Freight Bill Factoring Services Information at  Best Colorado Trucking Factoring Companies
and at truckermoney.com






Best Georgia Freight Factoring Companies Articles

The Difference between Accounts Receivable Financing and receivables factoring


Today, it's not as easy for businesses to access finance as it was in past years, and more companies are being forced to look for alternative, non-banking financing options in order to access the capital they require to help their business grow.


Two of the more popular tools available to cash strapped business owners are Accounts Receivable Financing (A/R Financing) and receivables factoring. Some business owners believe these two are the same, but there are, in fact, some small yet significant differences.


What Is receivables factoring?


receivables factoring is when a commercial finance company, also known as a factor or receivables factoring company, purchases a business's outstanding accounts receivable. At that time, the factor will typically advance the business somewhere between 70% and 90% of the invoice's value. Then, once the invoice is collected from the customer, the remaining balance – minus a receivables factoring fee – is released to the business. The receivables factoring fee could range from between 1.5% and 5.5%. It's calculated on the total face-value of the invoice and depends on how many days the funds are in use and other aspects, like the collection risk. When a business has a receivables factoring contract they can usually choose which invoices they want to sell to the factor: it's not generally an all-or-nothing process. Once the factor has purchased an invoice they become responsible for managing the receivable until the account has been paid. Essentially, the factor becomes the business's accounts receivable department and credit manager, analyzing credit reports, performing credit checks, mailing invoices, and documenting payments.


What Is Accounts Receivable Financing?


Accounts Receivable Financing is more similar to a traditional bank loan, however there are some key differences. Bank loans are secured with collateral; which might be real estate, the business owner's personal assets, or plant and equipment; whereas Accounts Receivable Financing is backed by the business's assets related to the Accounts Receivable. When a business has an Accounts Receivable financing agreement, a borrowing base is established at each draw against which the business is able to borrow money: this would typically be between 70% and 90% of the qualified receivables. Between 1% and 2% is typically charged as a collateral management fee against the outstanding amount, and interest is only calculated as and when the money is advanced. An invoice must be less than 90 days old in order to count towards the borrowing base, and the finance company must deem the business credit worthy. There may also be other conditions to fulfil.


So, you can see that there are many similarities between Accounts Receivable financing and receivables factoring; however, one is the sale of an asset (receivables or invoices) to a third party, while the other is actually a loan. In many ways, though, they do act similarly. Below we've listed the main features of each so you can determine which would be the best fit for your company.


Accounts Receivable Financing


• Generally, Accounts Receivable Financing is not as expensive as receivables factoring;


• It can be easier to move from this type of financing to a traditional bank line-of-credit once a business becomes bankable again;


• Typically, a minimum of $75,000 per month is required in sales to qualify, so this type of financing may not be available to small companies;


• Due to the fact that the business will be required to submit all of its Accounts Receivable to the finance company, this type of financing can be less flexible than receivables factoring.


receivables factoring


• It's quite easy to qualify for receivables factoring, and receivables factoring is the ideal solution for start-ups and financially challenged companies;


• Because businesses can decide which invoices they want to sell to the factor, receivables factoring offers more flexibility than Accounts Receivable Financing;


• The company is able to track total costs on an invoice-by-invoice basis because receivables factoring has a simple and straightforward fee structure.


In Conclusion


Today we see both Accounts Receivable Financing and receivables factoring as traditional sources of financing; effective when traditional bank financing is not an option. receivables factoring can carry a business through a period when an immediate cash input is required.


Somewhere between 12 and 24 months most companies are generally able to repair their financial situation and once again become bankable. However, some companies in certain industries continue receivables factoring their invoices indefinitely. An example of this is the trucking industry, which relies heavily on receivables factoring for cash flow injections.





You Can Find More Freight Bill Factoring Services Information at  Best Colorado Trucking Factoring Companies
and at truckermoney.com




Best Georgia Freight Factoring Companies Articles

How receivables factoring Saved A Medical Staffing Company


Annette Fuller sat in her office, waiting for the phone to ring. Her job was a busy one, and she had stopped all her calls and shut her door five minutes before the phone conference was set to begin just to get some time for herself. The truth was she was stressed to her breaking point. Her company Med Staff needed to hire three new people to cover the demand of their clients. The problem was, they couldn't. They were short on funds.


Med Staff did temporary medical staffing. They employed LPN's, RN's, and a few others of the same ilk. Companies that needed nursing for a short amount of time paid Med Staff, and the nurses were sent over on short term contracts. Then they came back, and they were sent somewhere else.


A retirement home had contacted Annette two weeks ago, they were undergoing an expansion, and they would need temporary staffing until they could appoint permanent nurses to the shifts. Annette had known she didn't have enough people for this, but she took the contract on anyways, figuring she could hire people. There were always a number of nurses and technicians applying for work at Med Staff, and she knew it wouldn't be a problem to hire a few new people.


There had been a problem though. There simply wasn't enough money in the books to do it. The company was doing fine, but a quick expansion, even as small as three people, simply wasn't going to happen, not without help.


She had gone to the bank for a loan, but they had denied her. It seemed to Annette that the only people who could get loan money from a bank were the people who didn't need to do so. And then she had found something different, a website online about receivables factoring. She had looked the site over, and set up the conference call.


The phone rang, she picked it up. “Hello?”


“Hi, is this Mrs. Fuller?” a cheery woman's voice asked over the phone.”


“It is.”


“Great! My name is Fuller, I'm going to help you today.”


“Okay great.” Annette said.


“I'm looking over the form you filled out, it looks like your company temporarily staffs medical professionals?”


“Yes,” Annette said. “Nurses mostly.”


“Great,” Fuller said. “And if you called me, it means you ran into a snag.”“I took a contract to fill five places in an expanding retirement community. I have two people available but needed to hire three more. Unfortunately, we just don't have that kind of money in the books right now. We have a few outstanding invoices yet to be paid, but until they come in, there's nothing I can do.”


“Do you know how receivables factoring works?” Fuller asked.


“Not really,” Annette admitted.


“Okay, well we don't look at your business credit, we look at your clients' credit. We know they have some time to pay bills, and we're interested to see if they can pay those bills. If they can, we become interested in helping you out, because we think all businesses should have a fair shot to make it, and sometimes things just don't work out.”


“This is the first time it hasn't worked out,” Annette said. “And it's hard.”“I know. I hear about it every day. The cool thing about my job is I get to help fix it. So what we do, if we feel secure in our ability to help you, is we buy a piece of your accounts receivable. We aren't just loaning you money, we're basically becoming active in your business. That is you get the money you need right now, but we have an assurance that we get our money back, later down the road.”


Annette nodded behind her desk, even though the other woman couldn't see her. She had never heard of receivables factoring before she came across the site on the internet, but the way Fuller explained it certainly made sense.


The call continued, with Annette giving the information that Fuller would need. She promised to get back to her within a couple of days, and then they hung up. Annette went on with her work, and a day and a half passed.


Annette was at her desk when he phone rang then. It was Fuller.“Good news,” she said as soon as Annette said hello. Annette couldn't help but smile as Fuller went on. “We're going to be able to help you out.”


“You don't know how great it is to hear you say that,” Annette said.


“Believe me, I do,” Fuller said. “I get to say it more often than not, and I know that we're really helping good people, and good businesses.”


“The bank, they couldn't do anything,” Annette said, she felt salty tears stinging her eyes as they welled there.


“They aren't built to help people like we are. They just want as much money as they can get. We want money too, because it's a business, but if you don't succeed, we don't succeed, and it's also important to us that we help people.”


“So what's next?” Annette asked.


“Well the real answer is I fax some stuff over for you to fill out and sign, but the fun answer is your business gets the help it needs, and you keep going to work each day. Well, not the weekends.”


Annette couldn't help but laugh. “Believe me,” she said. “I work plenty of weekends.”


Fuller laughed as well, and then got the fax number she would need. Once again the women hung up and Annette let out a long breath as she sat back in her chair. She used a tissue to dab the tears from her eyes. She knew everything was going to be okay.






Best Georgia Freight Factoring Companies Articles

How To Make receivables factoring Work For Your Business


Oil Well Cleaning Owner Interview


The oilfield services industry is certainly a booming one these days thanks to a renewed emphasis on searching and drilling for oil on private and state properties. One of the more profitable ventures in this field is not the drilling for oil, but the cleaning of oil and gas wells to keep them operating at full efficiency. Oil and gas drilling is a dirty business and wells will quickly become clogged even with regular maintenance.


Raul Davis is the owner of an oil well cleaning company who works with several drilling companies in providing cleaning and maintenance of oil wells. Over the past couple of years, Raul has managed to grow his business considerably thanks in large part to his perseverance and determination. However, things were really tight when Raul first started up his company and at one point he was faced with a dilemma that he didn't know how to overcome.


The following interview with Raul tells how he managed to expand his company at a crucial time thanks to oilfield services receivables factoring. If it wasn't for the presence of receivables factoring companies that worked in his field, Raul might be in a completely different business today.


“Hello, Raul. It's good to talk with you and I'm glad you were able to spare the time to share your story with us.”


Raul Davis: “Thanks, I'm glad to be here.”


“Raul, tell us a little about how you got into the oil well cleaning business first as it's something our listeners may not be fully aware of.”


Raul: “No problem, I'll start at the beginning. About ten years ago I joined an oil well crew as a roughneck, working my way up through the business. It was hard work and our crew was usually out in the middle of nowhere, but the money was good and the opportunities kept building for me. I quickly learned the job and was hired by a number of drillers to work their rigs over the next few years during the boom in the oil industry.”


“Right from the beginning, I took notice the oil well cleaning crews that would work each rig and started talking to the guys who were a part of that business. After a few years it became clear to me that oil well cleaning was really where it was at 'cause the work was really steady and the money was just as good, if not better than what I was making. So, with the money I had saved up along with a couple of partners I opened up an oil well cleaning company of my own.”


“It certainly sounds like you struck gold so to speak. So tell us how your business started.”


Raul: “It was pretty straightforward as we got our business loan, purchased the equipment and hired a couple of experienced people to help us clean oil wells. We had some pretty good connections and the orders started to pile in, but then we ran into a problem that none of us could even dream of happening. We became victims of our own success.”


“I don't think I quite understand, could you explain just how that happened?”


Raul: “Sure, about six months in we suddenly got new drillers who wanted to use our services, but we didn't have the money to expand. We get pain by invoice which can take up to 60 days to see the cash which meant that we trying to pay down our loan, the payroll and the equipment, fuel and other costs and didn't have enough cash on hand to expand. We knew that if we didn't hire new people and buy new equipment that we would miss out on a golden opportunity. However, one of my friends told me about oilfield services receivables factoring companies that could help us out.”


“What are receivables factoring companies?”


Raul: “Basically, a receivables factoring company will buy the invoice and get us the cash immediately. We had good credit and our invoices were certainly good as well. By using their services, we were able to get the cash in our hands quickly and pay for new equipment to then expand our business efforts.”


“It certainly sounds like the receivables factoring companies saved the day for you, but just how do they work?”


Raul: “Well, it was a pretty simple process. We just filled out a few forms with the information that they requested and then we sold the invoices we had already collected, but had not collected to the receivables factoring company. We got the cash we needed immediately and they collected the invoice.”


“It certainly sounds pretty straightforward, but why didn't you just get another loan?”


Raul: “My partners and I went over that and another loan would just be too big a burden. We were already paying off our old loan which was considerable and didn't want to have more debt hanging over our company. By going with the oilfield receivables factoring companies, we didn't owe anyone, anything. We just collected the money that we were owed a lot more quickly.”


“So, how is business now?”


Raul: “It's better than ever. By using a receivables factoring company I was able to buy new tubing, cleaning fluids, a new vehicle and other equipment that let us take on the new orders. We were able to expand the business quite a bit and our reputation is such that we work with several drilling companies.”“It sounds like a dream come true.”


Raul: “It really does, but I don't know what we would have done if receivables factoring companies didn't exist. We still use them when we need cash for new equipment or products to do our job. It's quick, safe and brings us the money we need to continue our business.”


Raul's company really benefitted from using oilfield receivables factoring companies that served his industry. There are receivables factoring companies for other types of businesses as well that can take invoices and turn them into quick cash for businesses that need to expand. For Raul and many other small business owners, receivables factoring companies can make the difference in the success of your efforts.



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and at truckermoney.com







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A little history on the Trucking Industry


The Logistics and Transportation Industry in the United States

The logistics and transportation industry in the United States is highly competitive. By investing in this sector, multinational firms position themselves to better facilitate the flow of goods throughout the largest consumer market in the world.. International and domestic companies in this industry benefit from a highly skilled workforce and relatively low costs and regulatory burdens.


Shipping Port


Spending in the U.S. logistics and transportation industry totaled $1.33 trillion in 2012, and represented 8.5 percent of annual gross domestic product (GDP). Analysts expect industry investment to correlate with growth in the U.S. economy.


A highly integrated supply chain network in the United States links producers and consumers through multiple transportation modes, including air and express delivery services, freight rail, maritime transport, and truck transport. To serve customers efficiently, multinational and domestic firms provide tailored logistics and transportation solutions that ensure coordinated goods movement from origin to end user through each supply chain network segment.


Industry Subsectors


Logistics services: This subsector includes inbound and outbound transportation management, fleet management, warehousing, materials handling, order fulfillment, logistics network design, inventory management, supply and demand planning, third-party logistics management, and other support services. Logistics services are involved at all levels in the planning and execution of the movement of goods.


Air and express delivery services (EDS): Firms offer expedited, time-sensitive, and end-to-end services for documents, small parcels, and high-value items. EDS firms also provide the export infrastructure for many exporters, particularly small and medium-sized businesses that cannot afford to operate their own supply chain.



Best Factoring Companies For Trucking


Freight rail: High volumes of heavy cargo and products are transported long distances via the U.S. rail tracking network. Freight rail moves more than 70 percent of the coal, 58 percent of its raw metal ores, and more than 30 percent of its grain for the nation. This subsector accounted for approximately one third of all U.S. exports.


Maritime: This subsector includes carriers, seaports, terminals, and labor involved in the movement of cargo and passengers by water. Water transportation carries about 78 percent of U.S. exports by tonnage, via both foreign-flag and U.S.-flag carriers.


Trucking: Over-the-road transportation of cargo is provided by motor vehicles over short and medium distances. The American Trucking Associations reports that in 2012, trucks moved 9.4 billion tons of freight, or about 68.5 percent of all freight tonnage transported domestically. Motor carriers collected $642 billion in revenues, or about 81 percent of total revenue earned by all domestic transport modes.



Industry Associations:


American Association of Port Authorities
American Society of Transportation and Logistics
American Trucking Associations
Association of American Railroads
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
Express Delivery and Logistics Association
Industry Publications:


American Shipper
Journal of Commerce
Material Handling & Logistics
Transport Intelligence
Transport Topics


North American Industry Classification System For Transportation


The Transportation and Warehousing sector includes industries providing transportation of passengers and cargo, warehousing and storage for goods, scenic and sightseeing transportation, and support activities related to modes of transportation. Establishments in these industries use transportation equipment or transportation related facilities as a productive asset. The type of equipment depends on the mode of transportation. The modes of transportation are air, rail, water, road, and pipeline.


The Transportation and Warehousing sector distinguishes three basic types of activities: subsectors for each mode of transportation, a subsector for warehousing and storage, and a subsector for establishments providing support activities for transportation. In addition, there are subsectors for establishments that provide passenger transportation for scenic and sightseeing purposes, postal services, and courier services.


A separate subsector for support activities is established in the sector because, first, support activities for transportation are inherently multimodal, such as freight transportation arrangement, or have multimodal aspects. Secondly, there are production process similarities among the support activity industries.


One of the support activities identified in the support activity subsector is the routine repair and maintenance of transportation equipment (e.g., aircraft at an airport, railroad rolling stock at a railroad terminal, or ships at a harbor or port facility). Such establishments do not perform complete overhauling or rebuilding of transportation equipment (i.e., periodic restoration of transportation equipment to original design specifications) or transportation equipment conversion (i.e., major modification to systems). An establishment that primarily performs factory (or shipyard) overhauls, rebuilding, or conversions of aircraft, railroad rolling stock, or a ship is classified in Subsector 336, Transportation Equipment Manufacturing according to the type of equipment.


Many of the establishments in this sector often operate on networks, with physical facilities, labor forces, and equipment spread over an extensive geographic area.


Truck Transportation



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Industries in the Truck Transportation subsector provide over-the-road transportation of cargo using motor vehicles, such as trucks and tractor trailers. The subsector is subdivided into general freight trucking and specialized freight trucking. This distinction reflects differences in equipment used, type of load carried, scheduling, terminal, and other networking services. General freight transportation establishments handle a wide variety of general commodities, generally palletized, and transported in a container or van trailer. Specialized freight transportation is the transportation of cargo that, because of size, weight, shape, or other inherent characteristics require specialized equipment for transportation.


Each of these industry groups is further subdivided based on distance traveled. Local trucking establishments primarily carry goods within a single metropolitan area and its adjacent nonurban areas. Long distance trucking establishments carry goods between metropolitan areas.


The Specialized Freight Trucking industry group includes a separate industry for Used Household and Office Goods Moving. The household and office goods movers are separated because of the substantial network of establishments that has developed to deal with local and long-distance moving and the associated storage. In this area, the same establishment provides both local and long-distance services, while other specialized freight establishments generally limit their services to either local or long-distance hauling.


General Freight Trucking


This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing general freight trucking. General freight establishments handle a wide variety of commodities, generally palletized, and transported in a container or van trailer. The establishments of this industry group provide a combination of the following network activities: local pickup, local sorting and terminal operations, line-haul, destination sorting and terminal operations, and local delivery.


General Freight Trucking, Local


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing local general freight trucking. General freight establishments handle a wide variety of commodities, generally palletized and transported in a container or van trailer. Local general freight trucking establishments usually provide trucking within a metropolitan area which may cross state lines. Generally the trips are same-day return.


General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing long-distance general freight trucking. General freight establishments handle a wide variety of commodities, generally palletized and transported in a container or van trailer. Long-distance general freight trucking establishments usually provide trucking between metropolitan areas which may cross North American country borders. Included in this industry are establishments operating as truckload (TL) or less than truckload (LTL) carriers.


General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Truckload


This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing long-distance general freight truckload (TL) trucking. These long-distance general freight truckload carrier establishments provide full truck movement of freight from origin to destination. The shipment of freight on a truck is characterized as a full single load not combined with other shipments.


General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Less Than Truckload


This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing long-distance, general freight, less than truckload (LTL) trucking. LTL carriage is characterized as multiple shipments combined onto a single truck for multiple deliveries within a network. These establishments are generally characterized by the following network activities: local pickup, local sorting and terminal operations, line-haul, destination sorting and terminal operations, and local delivery.


Specialized Freight Trucking


This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing local or long-distance specialized freight trucking. The establishments of this industry are primarily engaged in the transportation of freight which, because of size, weight, shape, or other inherent characteristics, requires specialized equipment, such as flatbeds, tankers, or refrigerated trailers. This industry includes the transportation of used household, institutional, and commercial furniture and equipment.



Truck Freight Factoring


Used Household and Office Goods Moving


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing local or long-distance trucking of used household, used institutional, or used commercial furniture and equipment. Incidental packing and storage activities are often provided by these establishments. Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Local


Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance


This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in providing long-distance specialized trucking. These establishments provide trucking between metropolitan areas that may cross North American country borders.


You Can Find More Freight Bill Factoring Services Information at  RECEIVABLELOANS.ORG
Freight Broker


A freight broker is an individual or company that serves as a liaison between another individual or company that needs shipping services and an authorized motor carrier. Though a freight broker plays an important role in the movement of cargo, the broker doesn't function as a shipper or a carrier. To operate as a freight broker, a business or individual must obtain a license from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Freight brokers are required to carry surety bonds as well.


Freight broker services are valuable to both shippers and motor carriers. Freight brokers help shippers find reliable carriers that might otherwise be difficult to locate. They assist motor carriers in filling their trucks and earning money for transporting a wide variety of items. For their efforts, freight brokers earn commissions.


Freight brokers use their knowledge of the shipping industry and technological resources to help shippers and carriers accomplish their goals. Many companies find the services provided by freight brokers indispensable. In fact, some companies hire brokers to coordinate all of their shipping needs.


Often, freight brokers are confused with forwarders. Though a freight forwarder performs some of the same tasks as a freight broker, the two are not the same. A forwarder takes possession of the items being shipped, consolidates smaller shipments, and arranges for the transportation of the consolidated shipments. By contrast, a freight broker never takes possession of items being shipped thus in the absence of negligent entrustment, a freight broker is not normally involved as a party litigant in a cargo claim dispute, although as an accommodation, the freight broker may assist the shipper at their request and expense with filing freight claims.



Trucking Factoring Rates


NAICS Index Description



Freight Factoring For Brokers


484110 Bulk mail truck transportation, contract, local
484110 Container trucking services, local
484110 General freight trucking, local
484110 Motor freight carrier, general, local
484110 Transfer (trucking) services, general freight, local
484110 Trucking, general freight, local
484121 Bulk mail truck transportation, contract, long-distance (TL)
484121 Container trucking services, long-distance (TL)
484121 General freight trucking, long-distance, truckload (TL)
484121 Motor freight carrier, general, long-distance, truckload (TL)
484121 Trucking, general freight, long-distance, truckload (TL)
484122 General freight trucking, long-distance, less-than-truckload (LTL)
484122 LTL (less-than-truckload) long-distance freight trucking
484122 Motor freight carrier, general, long-distance, less-than-truckload (LTL)
484122 Trucking, general freight, long-distance, less-than-truckload (LTL)
484210 Furniture moving, used
484210 Motor freight carrier, used household goods
484210 Trucking used household, office, or institutional furniture and equipment
484210 Used household and office goods moving
484210 Van lines, moving and storage services
484220 Agricultural products trucking, local
484220 Automobile carrier trucking, local
484220 Boat hauling, truck, local
484220 Bulk liquids trucking, local
484220 Coal hauling, truck, local
484220 Dry bulk trucking (except garbage collection, garbage hauling), local
484220 Dump trucking (e.g., gravel, sand, top soil)
484220 Farm products hauling, local
484220 Flatbed trucking, local
484220 Grain hauling, local
484220 Gravel hauling, local
484220 Livestock trucking, local
484220 Log hauling, local
484220 Milk hauling, local
484220 Mobile home towing services, local
484220 Refrigerated products trucking, local
484220 Rubbish hauling without collection or disposal, truck, local
484220 Sand hauling, local
484220 Tanker trucking (e.g., chemical, juice, milk, petroleum), local
484220 Top-soil hauling, local
484220 Tracked vehicle freight transportation, local
484220 Trucking, specialized freight (except used goods), local
484230 Automobile carrier trucking, long-distance



Truck Freight Factoring



484230 Boat hauling, truck, long-distance
484230 Bulk liquids trucking, long-distance
484230 Dry bulk carrier, truck, long-distance
484230 Farm products trucking, long-distance
484230 Flatbed trucking, long-distance
484230 Forest products trucking, long-distance
484230 Grain hauling, long-distance
484230 Gravel hauling, long-distance
484230 Livestock trucking, long-distance
484230 Log hauling, long-distance
484230 Mobile home towing services, long-distance
484230 Radioactive waste hauling, long-distance
484230 Recyclable material hauling, long-distance
484230 Refrigerated products trucking, long-distance



484230 Refuse hauling, long-distance
484230 Rubbish hauling without collection or disposal, truck, long-distance
484230 Sand hauling, long-distance
484230 Tanker trucking (e.g., chemical, juice, milk, petroleum), long-distance
484230 Tracked vehicle freight transportation, long-distance
484230 Trash hauling, long-distance
484230 Trucking, specialized freight (except used goods), long-distance
484230 Waste hauling, hazardous, long-distance
484230 Waste hauling, nonhazardous, long-distance






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